
Monday, November 3, 2008

Purple People

There is one thing that we all can agree on, and that's there a lot going on in this day and time. There is one issue that is going to effect all of us one way or the other, and that is a Black President. Barrack Obama! Barrack Obama! Let me say it one more time, Barrack Obama!Barrack Obama can be deceiving. I remember the first time I heard a black man named Barrack Obama was running for president, I was wondering where was he from with a name like that? I don't follow politics all that well, but someone named Barrack Obama can catch your attention.

I tell you the first time I saw him, I was expecting to see an Nigerian or someone standing on a lion holding a spear, or at least a clean cut brother in a bow tie with Faricon standing behind him.But no!!! What do I see? I see a man that has a Nation of Islam, Muslim name, but has a pork face and sounds like a white man. So I was a little disappointed, but still wanted to hear the brother out, and find out his story. The more I follow the brother, the more I got disapointed because the less black he becomes. I'm only saying this, because the only thing people think of when you mention Obama... is he's black.

But no!!!! He's not really black. With all the cameras following him on his campaign trail, I never wittness once, Obama throw down on some chicken. Not once! He never sent anyone out to Church's or anything. He never gave any shot outs, and his childhood stories don't even qualifies him to be black. But it's alright I guess. Since he's not the typical black man, that actually qualifies him for the job for President of the United States of America. It spices up his resume a little more. Actually he has some qualities that willl bring some changes in leadership that our country has been missing for a while (8yrs).. like a vice president, common sense, and speech. You don't even need to be a great speaker, but a good enough speaker that can answer GED questions, or at least smarter than a 5th grader. If Obama don't win the election, it's not because he's black.

I think we can tolerate a black president, but not his first lady. I love my sisters, but no.. you can't get a sister in the white house. Sisters loves to run things. "I want all of my girlfriends in the cabin, and put KeKe in the Secretary of Defense, because she can fight, she can fight."

To all my white friends, I love you. I know that I have a lot of white friends, and all of my white friends have one black friend and that's me. But I must tell you, don't schedule anything that involves black people the day after election. Don't schedule no black stuff because it won't get done. Don't fly no where, because won't nobody get your bags. We're going to be like, "get your own bags, we have a black president now."

Now who is it that Obama is running against? John McCain! John McCain!. The war vet! He has the same old story, i'm a war hero, oh i'm a war hero. Yeah he's a war hero.. that got caught! I want the person that got away! Besides that, my man is 72 years old. 72 years old! Tell me, how many 72 year olds have you seen today just doing stuff? 72 years old! He was too old 10 years ago. When you die at that age, no matter what you die of it's natural causes. You can get hit by a bus and it will be considered natural causes, because if you were younger, you would've got out of the way.

The guy is going to be running the country from a nursing home. What gets me, is he always talking about changes for the future. I don't know why he always talking about the future when he aint going to be here! To top it off he hires his nurse as his secretary. Sara Palin! She up there holding up a dead moose on t.v. When I saw that, I was like what is Michael Vick in jail for?

In closing, I hope the ones who took time to read my blog (inspired by Danny Roger!), find more comedic value rather than taking it personal. I like to find comedy in issues that effect us daily, and use it to open our open up our minds more. I'm one that believes that laughter is a great cure for depression, sadness, and hurt. I will encourage everyone who has not voted yet, to please vote your conviction. After that, take action and continue to stand firm on your conviction, or else your vote is worthless.

We should be purple people, rather than people who live in red states and blue states. We should unite regardless of race, sex, or economical status. How can we say United We Stand and we are so divided? Regardless if you are a believer or a non-believer, we all going to have to stand accountable for the choices we make. One of the choices is how we vote, and if we do vote.

As a black man, I don't believe that we should vote for a president just because he's black. I don't think a white person should NOT vote for a black person just because he's black. The same implies when it comes to political parties; Republican, Democrat, Conservative, or Liberal, it shouldn't matter. We need to start being people. As for us Christians, we should be a shame on how we represent Christ. Christ is not a political party or a religion. One of my best friends and now my new neighbor, Pastor Danny Rogers (, once told me that Christ's Blood does not discriminate. Thanks Danny for the inspiration, and everybody check his weekly blogs out at See y'all know i'm a true black man, because I just gave a shot out.


Anonymous said...

OMG! Carlos, you had me laughing so hard that I almost peed in my pants! You are hilarious, my man (and no, "My Man" is not a racist thing).

You make a great point. Black, White, Purple, it doesn't matter. Bottom line is this: God is going to work through whoever gets elected. He worked through, Pharo, Pilate, Herod, Washington, Carter, Reagan, and even...yes, even George W.

God is in charge of the government. Scripture says so in Romans 13:1-7

"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor."

We can't let our lives get so consumed with politics. We need to be consumed with Christ. Once The Great Commission is fulfilled, this world will pass away. Nations will rise and fall but Christ will stand forever.

Be responsible and vote today. Pray for your leaders. And most importantly, tell others about Jesus like your life depends on it, because it does!

Peace, Love, and Popeyes Fried Chicken For All,
Danny Rogers

P.S. I'd like to give a shout out to all of the Tarheel Fans! (See Carlos, white people can give shout outs, too!)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for helping me laugh today. I was feeling way to serious after voting at 6:35am!

I heard a pastor at my sisters church say a couple of weeks ago that God doesn't need America, America needs God! That Jesus isn't running for president of the United States because he wouldn't take that demotion!

Like you said, if you have voted today, it's a start. Now you have to work for what you took a stand for. If you haven't voted then you have no business complaining when things don't go the way you figure you have a "right" for them to go.

So go vote and get PURPLE!

Thanks again for the laughter Carlos!

Anonymous said...

Big Los, This is awesome. You have me getting in trouble at work with quotes like "Don't do anything black". I'm sitting here cracking up in my chair. Keep it up!

Unknown said...

You're a funny man! And here, I thought you were just a point guard...

Thanks for words of thought, inspiration, and humor. I look forward to more of your writing!

Anonymous said...

Good job Carlos. I'm still not sure who you support. Barack's not black enough, McCain's too old, Palin is an animal abuser, and Christians aren't reppin... Who is doing their job? Looks like BO is going to be the prez. I have some words of wisdom for my brethren who will soon be complaining about something:

Matthew 22:21 ..."Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."